I've just installed Windows Server 2003 and can't get past this.
I've changed the <processModel> userName to SYSTEM, I've added ASPNET to the Admin group, other tweaks with reboot but still can get it to work.
I'm not sure what the NT AUTHORITY domain is.
Anyone experience this?
Thanksok, looks like I figured it out. It works anyhow.
In the IIS Manager, I right clicked the Application Pools/DefaultAppPool node and hit properties.
I went to the Identity tab and for Predefined I selected Local System.|||Rex,
you saved me from near insanity....
I had installed tweeked...and gone over everything I could think of without any luck. Your one click solution did it. I guess I was trying to outsmart it all and fell on my face...
thanks a million,
Marc|||Thanks for this message, i can stop pulling my hair out now :-)|||This saved me alot of headaches too. But it also introduced one. You get a message that you are exposing IIS to attack and compromising sercurity.
Can someone explain how it should be done? I would like to be able to configure IIS to run with the minimal security needed to support ASP.NET pages and SQL Server access; but I do not have a clue what privilages and permissions would be needed.
Bill|||We were just chatting about this recently:view post 475172
(You can avoid the specific advice I gave because it wasn't particularly good :-) )
Terri|||The CGN IT article was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.|||
We were just chatting about this recently: 475172 (You can avoid the specific advice I gave because it wasn't particularly good :-) ) Terri
This link is now dead, makes sinces since its from 2004. Anyone know where I can find the article now?
We were just chatting about this recently: 475172 (You can avoid the specific advice I gave because it wasn't particularly good :-) ) Terri
This link is now dead, makes sinces since its from 2004. Anyone know where I can find the article now?
You can use the post ID from that link and surmise the new link:http://forums.asp.net/thread/475172.aspx
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