Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Login failed for user Machinename\Guest

Hi Good People of board,
I found the board a place to come wheni dont have a way. This particular question or post might havebeen sent before, but i have search for it to no avail.
My question.
Am working on xp pro sp 2 with sql server 2000 with vs 2003 . .net 1.1.4322
My problem is i want a single user to access the database and i adoptmachinename\aspnet user account. so what i did was i create a theaccount as login for msserver, and grant dbo role + public role. Duringthe installation, i did not even touch the sa account, so the passwordremain blank. Make msserver authentication to window only, andstartup service accont to be system account. (Security tab)
This configuration i did for all the workstation on my network.
The problem is when i try to connect from one work station toanother, either importing data or exporting, or copying database. itraised this error
"DTS Import / Export Wizard Error
Login failed for user 'MachineName\Guest'
Error during initialiazation of the provider ..."

My questions
1. I never think am using the guest account or user, how am i using Guest account
2. After setting the MachineName\ASPNET account, i expect it to be thesole user account i am using because its the windows user account formssql, and as it for workstation1 it also for workstation2. so whyseeing Guest
3. How can I make one account useful for all the workstation.
:) I want to learn this one and for all, i wont mind if u refer me to pages i will make research myself.
Thanks all

I am not sure but it is related to you installing SQL Server with the local system account and using DTS because DTS is SQL Server Agent dependent and when you install SQL Server with local systems account SQL Server Agent is without network permissions so it iwll fail. I would run set up again and install SQL Server Agent with a Domain account with Network permissions created as a service account. Hope this helps.

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