Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Hello everyone,

I am receiving the above error when using a workstation to connect to my webfiles.

I am using windows authentication (whcih I have selected as my only option on the IIS).
Impersonate is set to true in the webconfig file, with authentication set to Windows.

My connection string is: SQLConnection1 = "initial catalog=SIMS;data source=spacesql;integrated security=SSPI"

It runs no problem when I use the localhost.
It allows me to use other aspx pages that do not connect to the SQL server.
It only gives me this error when I am using a page that tries to connect to the SQL server.

The SQL files reside on a separate server to the IIS and I would like it to remain this way.

Can anyone help me wit this please

Thank you,

RebeccaOk, stupid question.

How is an SQL Server on Computer B supposed to authorize users according to a user account on computer A? Without domain, without using a domain account et al.

Answer: it can not.

An this is your problem.|||Hi,
I suggest you look for information on 'Accessing SQL Server using a Mapped Windows Domain Server'. That may have the solution you are looking for. Try, and look for this and other authentication and authorization info for web based applications.
Good luck with your project.|||Both computers are on a domain using a domain account et al.
I am not that stupid.

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