Friday, February 24, 2012

Logic in format?

This might be a simple questions for you guys.
Can you put logic withing the format of each cell; for example if i have a
number column and i want all numbers > 0 to be red and numbers<=0 to be blue.
Can this be done?
Thanks.Click on your field and go to properties box Go to properties box. Find color
property and and in the drop down box select <expression>. Use an IIF clause
in place of black. IE:
=IIF(Fields!fieldname.value <= 0,"Blue","Red")
"Ash" wrote:
> Hello,
> This might be a simple questions for you guys.
> Can you put logic withing the format of each cell; for example if i have a
> number column and i want all numbers > 0 to be red and numbers<=0 to be blue.
> Can this be done?
> Thanks.|||Actually you can code for most of the field properties. If your report is
going to be printed and you only have a black laser, changing the font to
bold makes it stand out. I had this issue come up earlier today.|||Do you do that in the one click report builder (that you can launch from the
web) or from within the VS2005 editor?
because i tried it from the report builder and when i right click a field i
get 'Format', 'Edit Formula' and 'Delete' only.
I think i'm missing somthing..
"William" wrote:
> Actually you can code for most of the field properties. If your report is
> going to be printed and you only have a black laser, changing the font to
> bold makes it stand out. I had this issue come up earlier today.|||I was describing the process in RS designing in the MSDE designer within VS
.Net 2003. I know there is a Report Builder in 2005, but I have not tried
it yet.

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