Friday, February 24, 2012

Logging use of stored procedures

I would like to know if it is possible to log the use of stored procedures
in SQL 2000 (and later in SQL 2005)
We want to log every time if a user makes use of a stored procedure without
adding a entry in each Stored procedure.
Is this possible ? if yes, how ?
Frank WijtenAfraid not - You would need to collect the data via a profiling session and
then take a look at the results to see your procedure usage.
"Frank Wijten" <> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I would like to know if it is possible to log the use of stored procedures
> in SQL 2000 (and later in SQL 2005)
> We want to log every time if a user makes use of a stored procedure
> without adding a entry in each Stored procedure.
> Is this possible ? if yes, how ?
> thanks,
> Frank Wijten
>|||You can use SQL Trace to implement you custom tracing.
Look at Books on line under the path:
SQLServer Database Engine -> Administering the database Engine -> Monitoring
and Tuning for Performance -> Monitoring Events -> Introducing SQL Trace.
You should find it really interesting and may be a way to satisfy your
"Frank Wijten" wrote:

> Hello,
> I would like to know if it is possible to log the use of stored procedures
> in SQL 2000 (and later in SQL 2005)
> We want to log every time if a user makes use of a stored procedure withou
> adding a entry in each Stored procedure.
> Is this possible ? if yes, how ?
> thanks,
> Frank Wijten
>|||"Frank Wijten" <> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I would like to know if it is possible to log the use of stored procedures
> in SQL 2000 (and later in SQL 2005)
> We want to log every time if a user makes use of a stored procedure
> without adding a entry in each Stored procedure.
> Is this possible ? if yes, how ?
> thanks,
> Frank Wijten
As others have pointed out, this IS possible using SQL trace or Profiler.
HOWEVER, it can potentially be very costly in terms of performance.
Just be aware.
Greg Moore
SQL Server DBA Consulting Remote and Onsite available!
Email: sql (at)

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